Welcome to "Dote up a cat!"

Native American-English speaker Beginner German speaker (German 3/A2)

Hi~! I'm Aubrey. I'm an artist and a huge videogame lover!

Hii, i am the pagemaster of this website! I spend most of my days working on homework, exploring my hometown (aka getting home cause I cannot drive), drawing, and sleeping. I decided originally to make this website to teach myself something new and find an outlet to my depressive disorder. However, it has sinse sprouted to a passion project and a spot to vent out my anger is deep within its code because being mad at broken code is more rewarding then being mad at people.

If you are curious to learn more about me, I have an “About” page available on the sidebar. I also have some information about my art, all of my external links, and some shrines for my favorite videogames available too.

As for this website itself, It’s intended to be kinda a catch-all for everything I do. It will probably change often as my ADHD makes me extremely decisive. It has a bunch of fun links as well and some things I like.

If you are interested in commissions, the lilac button on the side panel will guide you to TBcommissions, my external commission website! As of 2024.03.08, I am offering flats for anywhere from 12-25 dollars!

DISCLAIMER: this website is made as a hobby for me, the pagemaster. This means that some links may end up defunct on your side or glitchy. Along with this, some pages might be a bit broken (whoops~), in a different, more primitive format, or otherwise complete. This is all completely unintended, I pawmise! Most of it I hope to fix in a steady amount of time, so please be patient!

Why don't ya come find me~?